Quiz OSS - Osp. "Annunziata - Mariano Santo - S. Barbara" (Cosenza)

Quiz interattivi basati sulla Banca dati relativa alla prova preselettiva OSS dell'Azienda ospedaliera "Annunziata - Mariano Santo S. Barbara" di Cosenza.

INGLESE, Domande 261-270

L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

3261. After two rings of the bell she suddenly _____ in the doorway.
3262. _______ me if I've told you this before.
3263. Let's _____ there tomorrow if it's fine.
3264. Try _____ the door really hard if you want to open it.
3265. Modern Asian restaurants in Jakarta have an _____ history.
3266. What time do you _____ up in the morning?
3267. As we don't have much money at the moment, we've decided to _______ without certain luxuries.
3268. Who said growing up was _____?
3269. The moment the lights went out, there were scenes of _______
3270. Have you heard the latest? John and Mary are _____ married.


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